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Bye bye, Can Can – Ipswich bag shop owners retire after 30 years

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Claire and Sue, the two women behind Ipswich's distinctive Can Can bag shop, have closed their Upper Brook Street store to enjoy some "travel time of their own."

The former Can Can store on Upper Brook Street
The former Can Can store on Upper Brook StreetOliver

The much-recognised town centre retailer on Upper Brook Street has been a familiar sight to nearly all local shoppers, with its distinctive window and street displays of handbags and suitcases.

Following three decades of trading, the business partners made the decision to close their doors for the final time on Saturday, 8 February.

A farewell message to customers read: "Thank you all for your very kind support over the last 30 years. We now look forward to some travel time of our own."
A farewell message to customers read: "Thank you all for your very kind support over the last 30 years. We now look forward to some travel time of our own."Oliver

A farewell message to customers read: "Thank you all for your very kind support over the last 30 years. We now look forward to some travel time of our own."

Estate agent Fenn Wright has listed the vacant retail unit for lease at £6,000 annually.

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'Cash for jewellery' traders targeting Rushmere St Andrew residents

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Attwells Solicitors

Proud supporters of free and independent local journalism in Ipswich

Reports have emerged of doorstep traders approaching properties in Rushmere St Andrew, asking residents if they want to sell jewellery items.

Why it matters: Unsolicited doorstep buyers may not offer fair value for items and could potentially be "rogue" traders who disappear with valuables.

Jewellery scam
Reports have emerged of doorstep traders approaching properties in Rushmere St Andrew, asking residents if they want to sell jewellery

The details: Officials are advising residents to follow three key safety steps if considering selling jewellery:

  • Shop around: Start locally by contacting a reputable jeweller to estimate your item's value before soliciting online bids or other offers.

  • Beware 'rogue' buyers: Exercise caution about whom you sell to. If you must leave jewellery with someone for a quote, ensure they're trustworthy and will be available when you return.

  • Read the small print: Check terms and conditions carefully, paying attention to potential hidden charges such as refining fees, postage fees and appraisal fees.

What to do: Report any concerns with traders to Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133.

The bottom line: Getting multiple valuations from established local jewellers before considering doorstep offers helps ensure residents receive fair value for their items.

Attwells staff outside their Ipswich office

An award-winning local law firm

Rated as "Excellent" on Review Solicitors with an impressive 4.8/5 on Feefo.

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