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Suffolk Constabulary

The territorial police force responsible for policing Ipswich and the wider county


Suffolk Constabulary is the territorial police force responsible for policing Suffolk in East Anglia, England. It serves a population of 761,000 across a largely rural area of 1,466 square miles, which includes 49 miles of coastline and the southern part of the Broads National Park. The headquarters is located in Martlesham.

The force is responsible for the major settlements of Ipswich, Lowestoft, Bury St Edmunds, and Felixstowe, including the Port of Felixstowe, the largest container port in Britain.

As of March 2023, Suffolk Constabulary comprises approximately 1,399 police officers, 116 special constables, 917 police staff/designated officers, 33 PCSOs, and 123 police support volunteers. The current Chief Constable is Rachel Kearton, and the Police and Crime Commissioner is Tim Passmore (Conservative).

Suffolk Constabulary manages a variety of policing duties, with 302 officers assigned to neighbourhood policing and 357 dedicated to incident/response management.

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