Amy Wragg

Civic Pride Reporter

Amy Wragg is a journalist, poet, speaker, zine maker, and Director of SoapBox Spoken Word CIC. A graduate from the University of Suffolk, she is delighted to have joined the team as a journalist. Throughout her career she has been dedicated to raising the profile of local people, artists and organisations, and helping them to reach bigger audiences. Joining as a reporter is a natural extension of these core aims: to celebrate what is often over-looked, and support the amazing work that takes place in Ipswich everyday.

Amy Wragg performing poetry at a Festival

Latest stories


Facts and fables: Rediscovering the town centre with Ipswich Tour Guides

With its cobbled streets and centuries-old buildings, Ipswich is a town steeped in history, yet brimming with modern charm. But how well do we really know it? To answer this question, the team at went on a guided walk of the town, led by Mike Garland, a long-standing volunteer tour guide.

Meet the organisation turning vacant high street buildings into thriving communities

Community Hub Ipswich, affectionately known locally as CHIp, is a nonprofit organisation that takes over empty buildings and transforms them into community hubs. By facilitating creative events, and offering space for local artists to sell work, they have fostered a sense of inclusion and community on our high street.