Get listed

Get your business or organisation listed on the only local business directory dedicated to Ipswich

Picture of the website on a laptop sitting on a high-end desk

Get listed for free

It's free to list your business on However, to be approved, your business must be locally owned and/or directly serve the Ipswich market. Get started below.

Submit your business

We review all submissions within 5 working days. Please check that your organisation isn't already listed in our directory before submitting and do not submit your organisation unless you are based in or directly serve the Ipswich market.

Business details

Keep it short and sweet. No more than a paragraph, please.


This is where your customers find you, not your registered address. Leave blank if you do not wish to make your address public.

This will be made available to the public. Leave blank if you do not wish to make your phone number public.

Your contact details

These details will not be made public. We will use them only to contact you about your business.