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Ipswich tops region's fast food charts


Ipswich has more fast food chain outlets per capita than several comparable towns and cities in the region, raising questions about potential impacts on public health.

The town boasts 17 outlets from four major chains, surpassing Cambridge, Colchester, and Southend-on-Sea and only being beaten by Norwich—a city with nearly 50,000 more residents and greater visitor numbers.

Why it matters: The high concentration of fast-food restaurants in Ipswich could have implications for residents' health, as frequent consumption of fast food is linked to obesity and related health issues. This could also have a knock-on effect on healthcare services in the town.

By the numbers:

  • Ipswich has 11 fast food outlets per 100,000 people

  • This is nearly double the rate in Cambridge (6 per 100,000) and more than twice that of Southend-on-Sea (5 per 100,000)

  • Only Norwich has more total outlets (19) among compared towns but a lower per capita rate (9 per 100,000)

The big picture: While convenient access to fast food can be appealing, health experts warn that overconsumption can lead to various health problems. The high number of outlets in Ipswich may make it easier for residents to choose these options over healthier alternatives.

Breakdown by chain:

  • McDonald's leads with 6 outlets

  • KFC and Burger King tie with 4 each

  • Domino's has 3 outlets

Between the lines: The data only covers four major chains - KFC, Burger King, McDonald's, and Domino's. Including other fast food outlets could paint an even more concerning picture of Ipswich's food landscape.

The bottom line: While Ipswich's abundance of fast food options may offer convenience, it also presents challenges for promoting healthier eating habits in the community.