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Suffolk ambulance service deploys 90 extra ambulances per day amidst unprecedented demand

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The East of England Ambulance Service (EEAST) received more than 39,000 emergency calls between Christmas Day and New Year's Day, an unprecedented spike of 7,500 calls above typical summer levels.

Why it matters: The service has moved to its highest alert level and added 90 extra ambulances per day to manage the crisis. However, this extraordinary pressure will likely lead to longer wait times for emergency care during one of the year's busiest periods.

Renault Master ambulance
The East of England Ambulance Service (EEAST) received more than 39,000 emergency calls between Christmas Day and New Year's DayEEAST

By the numbers:

  • 39,000+ calls received in 8 days

  • 7,500 more calls than in typical summer periods

  • 90 additional ambulances deployed daily for the next week

Emergency measures launched:

  • Increased frontline operations and emergency centre staffing

  • Redeployed clinicians to frontline services

  • Paired clinicians with non-clinical drivers

  • Offered overtime incentives

  • Enhanced clinical assessment service for call triage

  • Worked with partners to find alternative care pathways

What they're saying: "I urge the public to only call 999 if there is a life-threatening emergency," says Neill Moloney, Chief Executive of EEAST. "Many people will be treated more quickly by using 111, seeing their GP or making their own way to hospital. Arriving by ambulance will not mean you will be seen more quickly."

What it means for patients:

  • Life-threatening emergencies remain the priority

  • Less urgent cases face longer waits

Alternative care options include:

  • NHS 111

  • GP services

  • Making own way to hospital

Bottom line: While EEAST has significantly boosted its capacity with additional ambulances and staff, the service warns the coming weekend will be "exceptionally busy" and urges the public to think carefully before calling 999.

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Facts and fables: Rediscovering the town centre with Ipswich Tour Guides

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Attwells Solicitors

Proud supporters of free and independent local journalism in Ipswich

With its cobbled streets and centuries-old buildings, Ipswich is a town steeped in history, yet brimming with modern charm. But how well do we really know it? To answer this question, the team at went on a guided walk of the town, led by Mike Garland, a long-standing volunteer tour guide.

We started the tour – led by the witty and knowledgeable Mike Garland – outside St Stephen’s, one of 12 medieval churches in the town centre. We are told this area has been lived and worked in since at least 850, possibly earlier, making Ipswich one of the four oldest, continuously occupied towns in England, alongside Southampton, London, and York.

Colchester can thank Boudica’s levelling of their town for their omission on this prestigious list, despite their best promotional efforts, because it hasn’t been continuously inhabited.

St Stephen's Church
St Stephen's ChurchAmy Wragg

Apparently the Saxons wouldn’t have lived in the exposed Roman ruins of Colchester, post-Boudica rampage. Who would’ve known they were so fussy? Mike signposted us to a Saxon poem called ‘The Ruins’ to add further weight to his argument. The poem is actually written about Bath, but it neatly represents the Saxon view, that living in another culture's ruins would be disgraceful, and unappealing. Sorry (not sorry) Colchester. Better get the Tippex out.

Moving onto the Ancient House

Undoubtedly one of the most beautiful buildings in Ipswich, we were met with a challenge from Mike. Would Thomas Wolsey would have seen Ancient House? What do you think? Without giving too much away, the answer led us into a fascinating discussion about architecture, haphazard restoration, and how some questions have more than one answer. Such was the magnetism of this conversation, that we attracted passers-by into the debate, who passionately shared their own understanding of the building's history.

The Ancient House in Ipswich

A significant portion of our time at Ancient House was spent occupied by our well-informed guide debunking several myths about its history, including the ever persistent legend that King Charles II hid on-site during his flight from England.

Never one to state an opinion without backing it up with an impressive amount of evidence from a variety of reputable sources, Mike’s whistle stop tour of this legend was an impressive feat. He even explained how this story – first posited by a Cambridge Professor – came to be so prevalent. To find out more, you'll have to go on one of his tours. But the summary is simple, it can be traced back to the local pub. Why is that not surprising?

Pub culture

In a place like Ipswich, where pub culture has always been part of the fabric of the town, we inevitably ended up discussing the hotly debated topic of the ‘oldest pub in Ipswich’. Much like the oldest town debate, it all hinges on the ‘continuous use’ factor, with The Spread Eagle being the sole contender.

If other pubs are older, and its still a big ‘if’, none of the other pubs in town have retained their public house status for the duration. Many others having being converted into residential use in their lifetimes, even if temporarily.

The Spread Eagle Pub in Ipswich
The Spread EagleAmy WraggAmy Wragg

Cardinal Thomas Wolsey

No tour of Ipswich would be complete without tales of Ipswich's greatest son, Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, so it was appropriate that our last stop of the day was at his statue on St Nicholas Street.

After dealing with what we don’t know about his life—where exactly he was born in Ipswich or where exactly he is buried—Mike moved on to what we do. The inscription at the base summarises Wolsey’s approach to education, saying that he "believed that pleasure should mingle with study so that the child may think learning an amusement." A laudable ethos that seems so far ahead of its time.

Another modern idea that Wolsey championed was fair representation in legal matters, making it possible for the poor to go to court for free. An idea that didn’t endear him to the rich folks of the town.

Amy and Mike posing in front of the Thomas Wolsey statue in Ipswich
Amy and Mike Garland posing in front of the Thomas Wolsey statue in IpswichSophie

Finishing up

The whole tour was magnificent, combining historical facts and expertly debunked fables.

In only a short time, we learnt so much. From methods of historical timber construction to the importance of clay to Ipswich and the significant archaeological discovery of the ‘Ipswich Man’ – the remains of a North African man dating back to the 1200s found in Greyfriars.

Even if you know Ipswich well, attending one of these tours will arm you with new information and facts to entertain friends and maybe even charm your pub quiz team into first place.

For more information, visit

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An award-winning local law firm

Rated as "Excellent" on Review Solicitors with an impressive 4.8/5 on Feefo.

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